Shalyn Huehn,
a cold rescue

Shalyn Huehn’s life changed forever on Jan. 14, 2011, when she was involved in a head-on collision in northern Alberta. On this frigid day, her car was so severely damaged that it took two hours in –40 C weather to free her from the wreckage.

Recalling the accident, Shalyn says, “I remember screaming for help and thinking, ‘Please don’t let me lose my fingers and toes,’ because it was so freezing out.

Despite the extreme cold, her STARS crew worked tirelessly to keep Shalyn warm, treat her injuries — which included a broken pelvis, leg, foot, and a shattered left arm — and transport her to hospital.

Fast forward to the years following the crash, Shalyn’s story took a remarkable turn. On Jan. 14, 2018, exactly seven years after her accident, she discovered she was pregnant with her first child. Her daughter was born healthy and happy that September.

The coincidences didn’t end there. Four years later, on the same date, in 2022, Shalyn found out that she was expecting her second daughter.

“We didn’t plan this. It wasn’t planned. It just happened to be a good day, apparently.”

Today, Shalyn and her husband Sam are the proud parents of two energetic girls.

Shalyn has also embraced a career at a physiotherapy clinic: “I’m on the other side now, helping other people with my story.”

Shalyn’s experience has given her a new outlook on life. She enjoys mountain biking, walking, and hiking, with a big part of her life being health and fitness.

“If I don’t stay active, the injuries kind of rear their heads,” she says. “But as long as I keep moving, I keep moving.

Reflecting on the support that made her recovery possible, Shalyn says, “Even just a little bit helps. If your family member needs it, if you need it, STARS is there for you. And it’s one of those things that you don’t need until you need it.”

Expressing her heartfelt thanks for the critical care she received, Shalyn says,

“All I know is that I am very, very grateful for the crew that saved my life that day. Each one of them. Not only did they help me and save my life, but they also kept a daughter in the world for my mom, a sister for my brothers, and a mom for my kids.”



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